Back in 1978, when I was a photography student at the Art Institute of Pittsburgh, I caught wind of an adventure brewing in Brockway, PA – a town about 10 miles from my hometown of Du Bois, PA.
Four men were planning a journey from Brockway, Pennsylvania to New Orleans via the mighty Mississippi River in their own hand-crafted kayaks. Kayakers Bill Giovanelli, Chuck Dollard, Ron Morrison and Paul Camuso grew a following of hundreds of people during their three-month adventure, years before “social media” even existed!
I photographed the completion of their watercraft on March 25, 1978 and then their departure at Toby Creek in Brockway on April 30th. I caught up with them when they arrived at the Oakmont Country Club on the Allegheny River on May 7th. Unfortunately, I did not have the funds to travel to New Orleans to see them complete their journey.
Below, are a few photos that I captured of the early days of their adventure.
Putting on the final touches to their hand-crafted kayaks on March 25, 1978, are Brockway, PA area residents Bill Giovanelli, Chuck Dollard, Ron Morrison and Paul Camuso. On April 30th, they would begin their adventure at Toby Creek in Brockway to New Orleans and the Gulf of Mexico. (Photo: Mark Madere of SpectraLight Photography –
Kayakers Bill Giovanelli, Chuck Dollard, Ron Morrison and Paul Camuso prepare for departure at Toby Creek in Brockway, Pennsylvania on April 30, 1978. This was the starting point of their adventure to New Orleans and the Gulf of Mexico which they completed on July 29, 1978. (Photo: Mark Madere of SpectraLight Photography – Bill Giovanelli, Chuck Dollard, Ron Morrison and Paul Camuso prepare for departure at Toby Creek in Brockway, Pennsylvania on April 30, 1978. This was the starting point of their adventure to New Orleans and the Gulf of Mexico which they completed on July 29, 1978. (Photo: Mark Madere of SpectraLight Photography – of kayakers Bill Giovanelli, Chuck Dollard, Ron Morrison and Paul Camuso at Toby Creek in Brockway, Pennsylvania on April 30, 1978. This was the starting point of their adventure to New Orleans and the Gulf of Mexico which they completed on July 29, 1978. (Photo: Mark Madere of SpectraLight Photography –, Pennsylvania kayakers, Bill Giovanelli, Chuck Dollard, Ron Morrison and Paul Camuso arrive at Oakmont Country Club on the Allegheny River on May 7, 1978. This stop was enroute to New Orleans and the Gulf of Mexico which they completed on July 29, 1978. (Photo: Mark Madere of SpectraLight Photography –, Pennsylvania kayaker, Bill Giovanelli, at Oakmont Country Club on the Allegheny River on May 7, 1978. This stop was enroute to New Orleans and the Gulf of Mexico which they completed on July 29, 1978. (Photo: Mark Madere of SpectraLight Photography –, Pennsylvania kayakers, Bill Giovanelli, Chuck Dollard, Ron Morrison and Paul Camuso at Oakmont Country Club on the Allegheny River on May 7, 1978. This stop was enroute to New Orleans and the Gulf of Mexico which they completed on July 29, 1978. (Photo: Mark Madere of SpectraLight Photography –, Pennsylvania kayakers, Bill Giovanelli, Chuck Dollard, Ron Morrison and Paul Camuso at Oakmont Country Club on the Allegheny River on May 7, 1978. This stop was enroute to New Orleans and the Gulf of Mexico which they completed on July 29, 1978. (Photo: Mark Madere of SpectraLight Photography –
Were you there the day these kayakers left Brockway? What adventure have you dreamed of taking? Did you follow through? Please share your thoughts here!
21 thoughts on “40th Anniversary: Kayak Trip from Brockway, PA to New Orleans”
Bill Giovannelli
Thank you for posting the photos! They are great memories!
I hope you can make the program in Brockway so you can know “The rest of the Story”!!
You’re welcome, Bill.
I wish I could make the trip to Brockway but I have other commitments. I hope someone writes a story summarizing what is covered. I’d love to read it!
Nancy Bianco
I was there in 1978 watching and it was exciting. I knew mom and dad Camuso and loved the whole family. I knew all these guys, they were the same age as my kids. Great memories!
Hi Nancy,
They are great memories! Those were some adventurous guys.
Noah Camuso
I’m the son of Paul Camuso, making me a third generation of Camuso. It’s so cool to see what my dad was up to when he was my age! Of course we’ve heard this story a thousand times, but it’s neat to see pictures!
Paul Camuso
If a picture is worth 1000 words, these photos are worth 100,000 words to my companions and I. They started us on our journey of life.
Thanks Mark.
Paul, it is so cool to hear how your life’s journey was affected by your Kayak adventure.
Thanks for sharing!
Hey, Noah… we “old” guys love to reminisce about life “back-in-the-day.” I’ glad you enjoyed the photos.
So what will your great adventure be?
Bruce Miller
Hello Mark,
Herb and Jackie put on a great presentation this evening for the Brockway Area Historical Society. Your photo documentation helped them with a heartfelt performance. As you would expect there were lots of laughs and interesting stories. We can’t thank you all enough for reliving that experience with us.
It was all recorded with plans to be saved in the museum.
Wish you could have been here.
Bruce Miller
Thanks for the update. I’m glad the presentation went well!
Bill Giovannelli
I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank the Brockway Historical Society for their hard work and dedication of the 40th Anniversary of the Toby Creek to New Orleans presentation. I would also like to thank all those in attendance – standing room only.
Thank you to Bruce Miller, Francis Rhindosh and Jim Jackson for setting up this program. Thank you to John Puhala who filmed the entire program.
A special thank-you to Lew Reddinger of The Brockway Record, Mary Lou Dodd and Mark Madere of The Courier-Express. A special thanks to Ted Gorham, who was Brockway area’s original river runner and whose friendship and knowledge guided us in those early days, a special kind of friend.
As a crew we were overwhelmed by the community support when we left for New Orleans and were overwhelmed, again, by the support and community camaraderie last night at the presentation. Ronnie Morrison did an excellent job and it was an honor to share the stage with him! Thanks, buddy!
The trip to New Orleans affected my life in many ways and last night was another one, a very positive one. I met many friends I have not seen for a long time!
There are so many people who contributed to our success and who enjoyed that time. Although I have not listed you, I know who you are and thanks all of you! But I have to mention Connors Thomas who contributed a painting for my wall, stencils for our boats and stories to be told our lifetime!
So in closing, I say thank you to all the good folks of Brockway, my HOMETOWN, for being part of you, for you are part of me.
Bill, what a wonderful tribute to so many people who contributed to the success of your expedition and presentation 40 years later.
I believe that somewhere in the audience or someone who reads about your journey may become the next “great adventurer,” giving all of us an incentive to reach for greater heights in all that we do.
Thank you!
Joe Camuso
G’Day Mark,
Wow, what great memories those photos bring back! I am Paul’s younger brother Joe. I was only 16 when this adventure unfolded. I would spend every evening after school that winter helping build the Kayaks and in this tight camaraderie. I threatened my mother that I would quit school and tag along, but I lived the adventure through their letters and updates. This was the catalyst to set me on a different journey.
When they returned to Brockway, Ronnie “Herb” Morrison hatched a plan to do a similar trip, but this time east of the Continental Divide. We kayaked the Susquehanna River to Key West, Florida. I eagerly put my hand up for this adventure and saved all my money from odd jobs. Little did I know what adventures would unfold!
Thanks for sharing the photos.
Joe Camuso
Whangarei, New Zealand
Thanks for sharing how your older brother’s journey was an inspiration for you own adventure! How many people were on your expedition? How long did it take? Anything specific you would like to share that impacted your life?
John Puhala
It was a great evening listening to Ron and Bill re-tell their adventure of 40 years ago. Lots of good stories and laughs throughout the night. A slideshow added much to the program as well. Thank you to Ron and Bill for taking the time to come and tell the tales that you have probably told numerous time over the years. Also a big thanks to the Brockway Historical Society for sponsoring this most informative and enjoyable evening and to Mark Madere for sharing his photos from all those years ago.
John Puhala
Joe Camuso
G’day Mark,
The New Orleans trip inspired Ronnie “Herb” Morrison and I to take a 2nd trip, from Clearfield, PA to Key West, Florida.
We left in June 1979 and arrived in Key West Feb. 1980, a bit slower than the New Orleans crew. After arriving in Key West, Herb and I were out of money and landed jobs at a yacht club, maintaining yachts. Part of the job involved delivering the yachts to New England in Summer, Florida and the Caribbean in Winter.
I fell in love with sailing and the ocean and sailed for the next 8 years on various yachts. I sailed to the Europe and we spent 2 years sailing and exploring the Mediterranean Sea, sailing as far east as Turkey (Yugoslavia and Turkey were my favorite) then sailed back to Californian VIA the Panama Canal (the owners were from LA).
I met Swiss Captain and spent 2 years in the Pacific, sailing as far west as Australia and New Guinea, then sailed back to San Diego the rest of the time I spent sailing between New England and Caribbean. We now live in New Zealand. So that trip was a catalysis to a lifetime of adventure.
Sounds like it was an amazing evening. I’d love to see the video that was taken during the presentation!
Wow, Joe, that is an amazing story! You should write a book about your adventure. Maybe even a full-length movie!
Thanks for sharing.
Danielle Merrell
Hi Mark!
This is so neat! My dad is a cousin to the Camusos and I remember this being one of the many stories he has told me over the years that I absolutely loved! It is so cool to see the pictures that go with the story after hearing it so many times!
I think this is a great story that will be passed down through the generations. Now it’s time for you to live YOUR dream!
Bernadette O'Neill
I’m a bit blown away reading this. Hi Joe, Hi Paul. I’m pretty certain I met you both in July/August 1983. The car you were driving from California to Pennsylvania for the family reunion broke down in Flagstaff. You left it there and caught a Greyhound bus the rest of the way. It was a local route and took 5 days. My bestie, Dee and I were going to New Jersey from Phoenix. You lads were great traveling companions and absolute guardian angels.
I remember the conversations we had about big families and wanting a life on the water. I’m so happy to see you have been having all the adventures! Keep being made of win.
Thank you for posting the photos! They are great memories!
I hope you can make the program in Brockway so you can know “The rest of the Story”!!
You’re welcome, Bill.
I wish I could make the trip to Brockway but I have other commitments. I hope someone writes a story summarizing what is covered. I’d love to read it!
I was there in 1978 watching and it was exciting. I knew mom and dad Camuso and loved the whole family. I knew all these guys, they were the same age as my kids. Great memories!
Hi Nancy,
They are great memories! Those were some adventurous guys.
I’m the son of Paul Camuso, making me a third generation of Camuso. It’s so cool to see what my dad was up to when he was my age! Of course we’ve heard this story a thousand times, but it’s neat to see pictures!
If a picture is worth 1000 words, these photos are worth 100,000 words to my companions and I. They started us on our journey of life.
Thanks Mark.
Paul, it is so cool to hear how your life’s journey was affected by your Kayak adventure.
Thanks for sharing!
Hey, Noah… we “old” guys love to reminisce about life “back-in-the-day.” I’ glad you enjoyed the photos.
So what will your great adventure be?
Hello Mark,
Herb and Jackie put on a great presentation this evening for the Brockway Area Historical Society. Your photo documentation helped them with a heartfelt performance. As you would expect there were lots of laughs and interesting stories. We can’t thank you all enough for reliving that experience with us.
It was all recorded with plans to be saved in the museum.
Wish you could have been here.
Bruce Miller
Thanks for the update. I’m glad the presentation went well!
I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank the Brockway Historical Society for their hard work and dedication of the 40th Anniversary of the Toby Creek to New Orleans presentation. I would also like to thank all those in attendance – standing room only.
Thank you to Bruce Miller, Francis Rhindosh and Jim Jackson for setting up this program. Thank you to John Puhala who filmed the entire program.
A special thank-you to Lew Reddinger of The Brockway Record, Mary Lou Dodd and Mark Madere of The Courier-Express. A special thanks to Ted Gorham, who was Brockway area’s original river runner and whose friendship and knowledge guided us in those early days, a special kind of friend.
As a crew we were overwhelmed by the community support when we left for New Orleans and were overwhelmed, again, by the support and community camaraderie last night at the presentation. Ronnie Morrison did an excellent job and it was an honor to share the stage with him! Thanks, buddy!
The trip to New Orleans affected my life in many ways and last night was another one, a very positive one. I met many friends I have not seen for a long time!
There are so many people who contributed to our success and who enjoyed that time. Although I have not listed you, I know who you are and thanks all of you! But I have to mention Connors Thomas who contributed a painting for my wall, stencils for our boats and stories to be told our lifetime!
So in closing, I say thank you to all the good folks of Brockway, my HOMETOWN, for being part of you, for you are part of me.
Bill, what a wonderful tribute to so many people who contributed to the success of your expedition and presentation 40 years later.
I believe that somewhere in the audience or someone who reads about your journey may become the next “great adventurer,” giving all of us an incentive to reach for greater heights in all that we do.
Thank you!
G’Day Mark,
Wow, what great memories those photos bring back! I am Paul’s younger brother Joe. I was only 16 when this adventure unfolded. I would spend every evening after school that winter helping build the Kayaks and in this tight camaraderie. I threatened my mother that I would quit school and tag along, but I lived the adventure through their letters and updates. This was the catalyst to set me on a different journey.
When they returned to Brockway, Ronnie “Herb” Morrison hatched a plan to do a similar trip, but this time east of the Continental Divide. We kayaked the Susquehanna River to Key West, Florida. I eagerly put my hand up for this adventure and saved all my money from odd jobs. Little did I know what adventures would unfold!
Thanks for sharing the photos.
Joe Camuso
Whangarei, New Zealand
Thanks for sharing how your older brother’s journey was an inspiration for you own adventure! How many people were on your expedition? How long did it take? Anything specific you would like to share that impacted your life?
It was a great evening listening to Ron and Bill re-tell their adventure of 40 years ago. Lots of good stories and laughs throughout the night. A slideshow added much to the program as well. Thank you to Ron and Bill for taking the time to come and tell the tales that you have probably told numerous time over the years. Also a big thanks to the Brockway Historical Society for sponsoring this most informative and enjoyable evening and to Mark Madere for sharing his photos from all those years ago.
John Puhala
G’day Mark,
The New Orleans trip inspired Ronnie “Herb” Morrison and I to take a 2nd trip, from Clearfield, PA to Key West, Florida.
We left in June 1979 and arrived in Key West Feb. 1980, a bit slower than the New Orleans crew. After arriving in Key West, Herb and I were out of money and landed jobs at a yacht club, maintaining yachts. Part of the job involved delivering the yachts to New England in Summer, Florida and the Caribbean in Winter.
I fell in love with sailing and the ocean and sailed for the next 8 years on various yachts. I sailed to the Europe and we spent 2 years sailing and exploring the Mediterranean Sea, sailing as far east as Turkey (Yugoslavia and Turkey were my favorite) then sailed back to Californian VIA the Panama Canal (the owners were from LA).
I met Swiss Captain and spent 2 years in the Pacific, sailing as far west as Australia and New Guinea, then sailed back to San Diego the rest of the time I spent sailing between New England and Caribbean. We now live in New Zealand. So that trip was a catalysis to a lifetime of adventure.
Sounds like it was an amazing evening. I’d love to see the video that was taken during the presentation!
Wow, Joe, that is an amazing story! You should write a book about your adventure. Maybe even a full-length movie!
Thanks for sharing.
Hi Mark!
This is so neat! My dad is a cousin to the Camusos and I remember this being one of the many stories he has told me over the years that I absolutely loved! It is so cool to see the pictures that go with the story after hearing it so many times!
I think this is a great story that will be passed down through the generations. Now it’s time for you to live YOUR dream!
I’m a bit blown away reading this. Hi Joe, Hi Paul. I’m pretty certain I met you both in July/August 1983. The car you were driving from California to Pennsylvania for the family reunion broke down in Flagstaff. You left it there and caught a Greyhound bus the rest of the way. It was a local route and took 5 days. My bestie, Dee and I were going to New Jersey from Phoenix. You lads were great traveling companions and absolute guardian angels.
I remember the conversations we had about big families and wanting a life on the water. I’m so happy to see you have been having all the adventures! Keep being made of win.
Brandy/Bernie O’Neill