Fix grainy photos with amazingly affordable software

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Topaz Labs Photo AI is an easy-to-use photo editing software that instantly sharpens out-of-focus images, increases the file size of low-resolution photos, and dramatically reduces noise (grain) in as little as one-click!

Shooting pictures under low light has always been a choice between getting a photo that looks too dark (underexposed) or using a fast camera ISO so the photo exposure looks just right. The only problem with either choice is the photo looks “grainy” compared to one taken with adequate light.

Fortunately, there is a company that has created a solution to those grainy images. Topaz Labs offers a software called Topaz Photo Ai that will allow you to:

  •  Raise your ISO without any fear

    Recover up to the equivalent of 4 stops of light. Photo Ai can make ISO 1600 look like ISO 100. Use that extra light to get shots you otherwise couldn't.

  •  Recover image detail hidden in noise

    Unlike other tools, Photo Ai uses information from the whole image to remove noise and recover detail. This is far more effective than other methods.

  •  Shoot faster and clearer in less light

    It's like buying a new lens or camera. You can now freeze action better (with a faster shutter speed) or get a wider depth of field (with a narrower aperture).

  •  Gain peace of mind about image quality

    Make sure your image quality is as good as it can possibly be in all areas. Handle edge cases like debanding, shadow tone restoration, and color casts.

  •  Use it wherever you edit photos

    Topaz Photo Ai works as a stand-alone software or as a plugin for Photoshop, Lightroom, and many more existing photo editing products.

  •  Get answers to questions at any time

    We're as dedicated to you as you are to your photography. Get dedicated support and free product upgrades for life.

For even more creative possibilities, check out Topaz “Studio 2” software which includes Star Effects (now called “Flare” in the Stylistic Filters menu):

Do you have photos that look grainy from underexposure or from using a high ISO when you took the picture? Please comment on your experience with Topaz Labs DeNoise AI.

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2 thoughts on “Fix grainy photos with amazingly affordable software”

  1. Topaz AI really looks useful for low light photography when you need to push ISO without sacrificing quality. Correct me if I’m wrong but if the photos look grainy after transferring them to your computer, it might not be just an ISO issue right? It can be file corruption that can sometimes sneak in during the transfer process. If that happens, another solution can be the use of various photo repair software like stellar repair for photo that can help fix corrupted images and restore them to their original quality. It won’t reduce noise like Topaz, but if a photo won’t open or looks messed up, it’s worth a shot

  2. Hi Alan. Thank you for your question…

    “if the photos look grainy after transferring them to your computer, it might not be just an ISO issue right? It can be file corruption that can sometimes sneak in during the transfer process.”

    I guess that’s a possibility, but I have never seen or heard of that happening. Thank you for your suggestion of another software that might help fix corrupted images and restore them to their original quality. Did you use the other software for fixing corrupted files with success? Please share with us what kind of corruption you had and how it worked out for you.

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