During the Mocha Monkey's May trip to San Francisco, he met the conductor of one of the city's world famous cable cars. After a little “monkeying around,” the conductor allowed MM to operate the grip handle which propels the cable car.
From MM's brief cable car history lesson, he learned that San Francisco first put them in service in 1873. MM also discovered how these amazing cars actually operate.
What are your favorite places to visit in San Francisco? Please post your “Comments” below.
Hey Mark,
Do you have all your SF edits posted up yet? I’d love the link to take a look:)
Hi Max,
I’ve been so busy with work and client photo assignments that the San Francisco and Washington, D.C. pix have taken a “back seat.” I’m anxious to get them up on FineArtAmerica’s website to start selling some prints.
I’ll let you know when the photos are all online.