I grew up watching old Superman re-runs on TV so when I heard about the Superman exhibit at the Cleveland Public Library – I just had to go!
I thought I'd share my experience with this video highlighting the more than 1200 pieces of memorabilia at the “From Cleveland to Krypton” exhibit – which ends on March 31, 2018.
Included is the prototype Superman statue by artist, David Deming, that will eventually be displayed in Cleveland. While the prototype measures 6.5 feet from the tip of Superman's boot to his outstretched hand and is made of fiberglass; the final statue will be 12 feet long and made of stainless steel.
Celebrate Superman's Anniversary with some Superman memorabilia here!
See more videos highlighting what is great about Cleveland on the Hot on Cleveland (HOTonCLE) website – www.HOTonCLE.com
Are you a Superman fan? If not, who is your favorite super hero? Please share it here! (You may need to scroll down to the comment box if there are other comments already posted.)
Cool video of #Superman memorabilia!