As a professional photographer, I really love seeing what other pros are doing with our craft. Brian and Janine Killian of Peters Photography in London, Ohio really hit a home run – no – a grand slam, with an amazing photo they created for Mia and Rozonno McGhee of their adorable sextuplets.
The photo went viral after being posted on Facebook prompting ABC's “Good Morning America” to call for permission to use it the next morning! Next thing you know, Oprah Winfrey jumps on the band wagon followed by a cover shot for Professional Photographers of America member magazine.
One of the keys to a successful photo of six newborns is a toasty-warm studio. The photo session lasted nearly five hours (due partly to a power outage during the shoot) and required seven people who passed around babies – feeding, burping and diapering throughout the process. Dad and camera were “locked down” to avoid any movement while the individual babies were brought in and photographed, one-at-a-time. In other words, this photo required six different shots that were later combined in Photoshop!
The process of creating this photo is a great illustration of why one should enlist a professional photographer for a truly memorable photograph that will be cherished for generations. Anyone can take a snapshot with a digital camera; but only a highly trained professional can create a work-of-art.
Pure joy.
Amen, Adrienne!