Scrapbooking takes a TON of time… if you want to do it right. And then only a few people can enjoy it. Well, not anymore!
It starts with a lot of research, gathering of photos, newspaper and magazine articles, and so much more. Then there's the design aspect… how to put it all together creatively with special adornments to make each page “pop”!
I've watched in amazement as my wife, Doreen, has taken on the responsibility of family historian – lovingly creating beautiful scrapbooks of our two daughters from birth to high school graduation. And now she's doing it for our three grandchildren – currently six, eight and ten years old.
After observing the number of hours (days, weeks, months, YEARS) that she invests in these scrapbooks; I decided to make a video of each one to be shared on our family's private YouTube channel. Now only those with the URL (web address) to that channel can enjoy those videos from anywhere in the world. What I really like about copying the scrapbooks to videos is they can not be lost in a fire, flood, earth quake, tornado or other disaster since they're hosted on YouTube's redundant servers.
Also, with our grandchildren being so young; it's impossible to monitor their handling of these large, heavy volumes. I'd hate to see Doreen's labor of love being dropped, torn, spilled on or lost. These videos are the perfect answer.
I wanted to demonstrate what a “video scrapbook” can look like but I also want to respect the privacy of my grandchildren. So I created a video of the scrapbook my wife created for the company she worked at as her final project before retiring – Christian Educators.
After she manually assembled the scrapbook, I copied each page with a digital camera attached to a copy stand with color-balanced LED lights and then added motion graphics and a music track to create the video. Watch it below.

Are you into scrapbooking? Have you ever lost a scrapbook to a man-made or natural disaster? Have you considered making and/or sharing your scrapbook in video format? Share your experiences, questions or comments here.